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BBC Media Action is the BBC’s international charity, working in more than 20 countries around the world. Last year, we reached more than 118 million people, by supporting independent media and sharing trusted information that protects health and our planet, bridges divides, challenges prejudice and saves and changes lives.

The world’s poorest people feel the impact of climate change and extreme weather most, and often find it hardest to adapt and recover.

BBC Media Action’s work helps people to prepare for and cope with extreme weather events and other climate-related challenges, by sharing knowledge and ideas about practical steps they can take.

We believe building resilience and tackling climate change requires action at all levels of society, and our work uses the power of media to bring people together to discuss options that benefit everyone.

We follow the editorial standards and values of the BBC, but we rely on donor funding to carry out our work.  To find out more, please see

If you would like to find out more about BBC Media Action’s work on climate adaptation and climate action, this playlist is a good place to start: