The Resilience Hub at COP29

The Resilience Hub is now in its fourth year, building on three successful Hubs since launching at COP26 in Glasgow. This marks a great moment to reflect on three years of knowledge gained and re-orient the Resilience Hub’s programme to one that seeks to tackle key challenges that still exist to achieving the mission of the Resilience Hub: to increase levels of awareness, investment and action on climate resilience.

What will we do differently this year?

At COP29, the Resilience Hub will be replacing themes with challenges. We will have six challenges across six days, focusing on one challenge each day (aligning with COP29 Presidency theme days where possible).

With each challenge, we aim to compile a series of key messages, proposed solutions and recommendations that can be turned into a ‘Call to Action on Resilience and Adaptation.’ We plan to present the call to action to the UNFCCC and the incoming COP30 Presidency to influence their plans for the next 12 months, ahead of COP30 in Brazil – 10 years since the Paris Agreement, the halfway point in the crucial climate decade.

The six challenges

Using a resilience lens, how can we better:

cross-cutting Themes

Each challenge must address these cross-cutting themes


Fostering access to financing for local actors and reducing the financing gap between adaptation and mitigation


radical collaboration

Uplifting frontline voices and democratising decision-making spaces

Gender and Equity