“Jupiter is enthusiastic about being a Resilience Hub sponsor and looks forward to fostering meaningful opportunities that enhance resilience, especially for communities and populations that face the greatest needs around the world.”
Rich Sorkin CEO and Co-Founder, Jupiter Intelligence
by Rich Sorkin
The core mission of Jupiter Intelligence revolves around making our world more resilient against the present and future dangers of climate change. Jupiter is enthusiastic about being a Resilience Hub sponsor, based on a shared sense of urgency regarding the significant resilience challenges our world faces.

Jupiter has developed a critical data analytics platform that provides extremely accurate predictions – at exceptionally high resolutions – of the impacts of extreme weather events, such as floods, sea level rise, and hurricanes, at a very granular level from the asset (for example, a building or power plant) to the portfolio level, and on time horizons ranging from a few hours to decades hence. Jupiter’s products combine weather prediction and climate models, with Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud computing, satellite data, and more. These data can help public and private sector decision makers meet these resilience challenges.
COP26 represents a defining moment during which leaders from around the globe must exercise leadership to prevent the worst anticipated security, economic, and human health effects of climate change. At a minimum, this will require unprecedented mitigation, adaptation, financing, and technical assistance measures.
Previously, the adage that ‘past is prologue’ bore meaning in the context of historic and projected weather impacts. However, the trends and dramatic changes to the environment anticipated from global climate change have already completely upended this adage. Storms that once occurred every 50 or 100 years now are happening once in a decade or even more frequently. This change is reflected, for example, in the number of severe events causing $1bn in damage or more that we now experience on a regular basis.

Jupiter is pleased to contribute its world class technology to help address this new, unforeseen reality. Armed with more accurate information, policy makers and private sector customers are better able to make informed planning and operational decisions that drive superior risk management, risk disclosure, and resilient infrastructure planning over short- and long-term time horizons. These capabilities will facilitate climate adaptation by helping businesses and political leaders work to improve the resilience of infrastructure assets.
Jupiter’s tools are already being used in various countries, including several ministries, and agencies, states, and cities in the United States, as well as by a range of private sector entities across critical infrastructure sectors, such as the electric, financial, insurance, and housing sectors.
Jupiter appreciates the hospitality of the UK Government in hosting COP26, this year’s international annual climate negotiations. It welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with and support other partners involved in the Hub. And Jupiter looks forward to fostering meaningful opportunities that enhance resilience, especially for communities and populations that face the greatest needs around the world.
Website: https://jupiterintel.com/
Picture shows a Houston resident being rescued from flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey. Jupiter Intelligence science models predict risk in a changing climate. Copyright: Reuters