Our partners at COP26 are all contributing to a dramatic schedule that will pitch Glasgow to the forefront of the global response to climate change. The Resilience Hub events platform is live on this site and you are invited to register to attend either virtually or in person. Browse the calendar and register your interest here.
Our Partners for the Energy Access and Resilience programme:
Efficiency for Access, a global coalition to accelerate clean energy access.
ICF, the science-based climate consultancy.
International Energy Agency (IEA), shapes energy policy for a secure and sustainable future.
What does Energy Access have to do with resilience?
Climate change disproportionately affects the 770 million people around the world who currently lack access to electricity or whose connection is unreliable. Building resilience in the energy sector will support global efforts to accelerate universal energy access, and expand reliable services to those already connected to power.
Affordable, energy-efficient and inclusive appliances and technologies powered by renewable energy offer a low carbon pathway to sustainable development by avoiding greenhouse gas emissions while helping vulnerable communities adapt to climate change and withstand shocks such as economic crises or pandemics. For example, solar water pumps offer smallholder farmers a clean energy alternative to diesel pumps and can help their users withstand droughts and changing water patterns.
Climate resilience can complement global efforts to achieve a just and inclusive clean energy transition, accelerating the shift to renewable energy technologies, which are often sensitive to a changing climate.
What does this mean in terms of projects and initiatives on the ground?
For the Resilience Hub, we are focusing on the use of Energy Access to promote and enable resilience building at different scales and infrastructure lifecycle stages. For example, this could include:
- Achieving a just and inclusive clean energy transition in developing countries and small island developing states
- How energy access fosters climate resilience and how it can help vulnerable groups withstand non-climate related shocks
- Empowering younger generations, women and girls, indigenous communities by enhancing access to technologies that allow them to earn a living and enjoy enhanced quality of life
- Democratising climate information for informing clean energy decisions
- Supporting local entrepreneurs creating appliances and technologies that enhance energy access
- How energy access can help improve livelihoods for smallholder farmers, and enhance agricultural productivity
- Climate resilience for the global clean energy transition – reliable energy for all
- Mainstreaming climate resilience considerations into energy policy and planning
- International cooperation to build climate-resilient energy systems
- The role of finance (blended finance, other forms of financing, government subsidies)/investment in enhancing clean energy access and climate resilience

How will we know if we’re getting it right?
If we get our collaboration right, now and in the future, we will hope to see:
People and organisations around the world who are creating innovations that can help countries and vulnerable communities build climate resilience and withstand non-climatic shocks.
Projects that illustrate how access to modern energy services can help level the playing field for vulnerable groups such as women and girls, people with disabilities, and displaced people and build global food security.
Policy measures that have a central role to play in addressing climate impacts and enhancing the resilience of energy systems.
The full programme will be launched shortly, along with the event platform and registration. Sign up using the form on this site and we’ll update you as it goes live.