Thank you for the music – special message from Bomba Estéreo

The gentle notes and urgent rhythms of Bomba Estéreo have formed something of a soundtrack for the Resilience Hub. The Colombian band whose music has won acclaim globally have long been environmental campaigners and their virtual presence at COP26 has given their ‘electro tropical’ and the video for their beautiful track Agua a still wider […]

This is the vision of the future we want

In a fascinating example of leadership from the bottom up, COP26 endorsed the launch of a programme that takes account of the views and desires of people in six areas of the world who made clear what they want for their future. The project began several months before the Glasgow summit and canvassed the views […]

REPORT – Everyone must prepare for a new reality

The world’s cities are currently responsible for around 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions and their populations are set to grow to 70 percent of the world’s total within 50 years. Something dramatic has to change.  Step forward the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) whose members are not in the blame game. They talk […]

ANNOUNCEMENT – Resilience Realized Awards

A new global awards programme that recognises progress at the cutting edge of resilience has been announced at COP26. The Resilience Realized awards is a joint initiative by the Resilience Shift and the Aberdeen-based engineering company Wood.  In a statement the partners said the awards will ‘showcase organisations, teams and governments that are inspiring transformational […]

Built environment leaders announce sweeping climate action plans

Marking a climate breakthrough for the built environment, a coalition of business and government groups has announced 26 climate action initiatives at Cities, Regions and Built Environment Day at COP26. The #BuildingToCOP26 Coalition has already set itself the target of halving built environment emissions by 2030 and establishing the sector as a solution provider to the climate crisis. […]

COP ART – How artists beat the clock for Inspire or Expire

Much talk at COP26 picked up the theme that time is running out to save the planet from the horrors of climate change. But there was also evidence of human ingenuity in the form of a gloriously innovative video that demonstrated what can be achieved by artists when the clock is running down.  You might […]

NEWS – Waste pickers of the world unite for a better deal

The Global Alliance of Waste Pickers, together with WIEGO, Green Partners, ICCCAD and Resilience Hub brought waste pickers and allies from around the world to present on the ways that waste pickers mitigate and adapt to climate change. WIEGO and the Global Alliance of Waste Pickers also launched their greenhouse gas emissions calculator, which was developed […]

NEWS – a bipartisan US Congress comes to Glasgow and talks resilience

Former president Barack Obama was not the only important American to make a contribution to the Glasgow COP. His rallying call to the world to take seriously the multiple threats from global warming followed a session at the Resilience Hub in which – for the first time at a COP – a bi-partisan group of […]

NEWS – The case for a resilient electric world

A call to governments and private industry to boost their levels of investment in renewable energy generation came at a COP26 session titled Power-up: Factoring Resilience into Transitioning Energy infrastructure. Delivering a keynote address, Samantha Power, administrator of USAID said the world needed new power generating infrastructure to deliver renewable energy that doesn’t emit greenhouse […]

NEWS – Resilience Index to supply vital climate data to the global economy

The Global Resilience Index Initiative (GRII) multi-partner taskforce was formally launched at COP26 Adaptation Day.  With partial funding and in-kind contributions from the insurance sector and partner institutions, the GRII will provide a globally consistent model for the assessment of resilience across all sectors and geographies. It will be a curated, open-source resource offering high level […]